Friday, 4 July 2014

20 Reasons You need a Special Somebody When You're Chronically Ill

Earlier this week this made it's way onto my Facebook newsfeed. While it's mainly encouraging young women to enjoy their time alone and not depend on a man, it's also the most recent in along line of articles to have got my blood boiling due to their anti-relationship stance. Not unlike the '23 Things to Do Instead of Getting Engaged When You're 23'  article which lists 23 ridiculous things you cannot do when in a relationship (but totally can, obviously), 20 reasons are cited for staying single in your 20's. I'm sorry but I can do all but three of these from the comfort of my relationship.

I was tempted I'll admit, to make this into a long ranty post and a direct rebuttal of all these things I supposedly cannot do. However that'd be whiny, annoying and pretty lame. So instead I've decided to create my own list. Not a list of the things I can still do with a boyfriend, or reasons why having a boyfriend in your twenty's is actually pretty great, but a list of the reasons it's great to have someone special by your side when you're chronically ill. This someone special doesn't have to be a boyfriend or a girlfriend, just someone your can truly count on through all the good and bad. 
So this post goes out to not only my amazing boyfriend, but also my mother who's been there from the very beginning, the best friend who recorded all those lectures I couldn't go to, my daddy-who's finally come to terms with the whole thing, and all my closest friends and family who've put up with me over the last six years!

Harvey. I just want to thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. I want to thankyou for understanding me and helping me through everything. I love you unconditionally and appreciate you being there for me. It means so much xxx

So regardless of whether your coupled up in your twenty's or happily flying solo, I'm sure you can appreciate how great it is to know that no matter how ill your feeling, you aren't going it alone. And this is my little list of why that's the best feeling to have of all.

20 Reasons You need a Special Somebody When You're Chronically Ill.

1. Supporter
When suffering from an illness that unbelievably, not everyone believes exists, it's so important to have the support of those you love. To have someone who doesn't question the fact that you've been bed-bound for a whole week or suggest that 'it's all in your head' means such a lot.

2. Comforter, and not of the physical kind
This support that our loved ones give gives us the chance to stress less and recover more. It's like a fluffy cozy blanket that always available to snuggle up in. 

3. Massager- for when you're all painy and achy
Admittedly this one does always fall to my boyfriend. Whether I've got an achy back, legs, arms or hands he's always there to help release some muscle tension :)

4. Snack runner
My sugar levels are rather unpredictable and not unlike my diabetic friend, when I can feel them getting low, I needs me some food. Trouble is, I often can't move during these times... that's where my special someone comes in. Always on hand to grab me a biscuit or two when I need them. 

5. Taxi Service
Yes I've relied on my elderly grandad to get me places because I couldn't hack public transport. Cheers Grandad :)

6. A shoulder to cry on
Because although we may try our best to be positive, even the best of us get a bit weepy at times. 

7. Appointment Partner.
This is usually mum. She's been there for every doctors appointment and every hospital appointment along the way and I can't thank her enough. There's no way I'd be able to remember all that's been said on my own.

8. Hand holder
During the countless tests and blood tests that just become part and parcel of being ill. I'm a huge neddlephobe and massive crier, so it's good to not have to go through that embarrassment alone. 

9. A fellow binge watcher
Lets be honest, we have a lot of time on our hands. I like fill this time by watching numerous American tv shows... I not kidding, I watch a lot. But mostly, Modern Family takes up a lot of my day... 

10.  Tea maker
This doesn't apply to me as I'm one of those rare Brits that doesn't drink tea. However, my boyfriend has made me many a hot chocolate over the past four years.

11. Hot water bottle filler
This is a vital role to be taken on by that somebody special in your life. If you're anything like me, your confused body may have once or twice caused you to spill boiling hot water on yourself. It's painful and annoying. Therefore when I'm feeling achy and sore, it's great to have mum on hand to do it for me :)

12. Cuddler
Who doesn't love a good cuddle? 

13. Trusty bringer home of your favourite chocolate 
Because you obviously can't move from the sofa to get it yourself.

14. Counsellor 
Sometimes, just sometimes, it all gets a little bit too much and you just need someone to talk to, or at. Someone who will just listen and not judge your silly outburst.

15. Positive Thinker
From day one, my boyfriend's outlook towards this whole M.E malarkey has been entirely positive and I'll admit, sometimes this is incredibly annoying. However it does mean he is always there to pick me up when I'm feeling down, always there to give me a boost and always there to encourage me to see the better side of things.

16. Leaning post- literally
When I'm out and about, naturally standing often becomes too much- this is where my boyfriend comes in. He's a post to lean on and he holds me up when my legs want to give way but the ground's too wet to sit on.

17. Hair brusher
My mother has, and while I live at home likely always will, brushed and tied my hair back when I'm feeling too ill or too weak to do it myself. Not exactly like having your hair done by a stylist, but about as close as it gets when you can't leave the house.

18. Dinner Bringer
Speaks for itself really. Because sitting at the dinner table can be just too difficult.

19. Company Giver
Admittedly, this is aimed mostly at my dogs. Max and Bella never leave my side when I'm ill and often insist on cuddling up with me on the sofas they aren't allowed on. It's both adorable and annoying- Bella's a fully grown slobbery boxer who's far to big for the sofa, but she means well.

20. Inspiration
When your bed bound and feeling your worst it can be easy for those depressive thoughts to creep in, clouding our view of how good life can be. Our family, friends and loved ones remind us daily that no matter how ill we are, or how little we may be able to get out, we're still living a great life. Because how can one person be so lucky to have so many great people around them?

So there you have it, my reasons it's great to have someone you can rely on, especially when you're chronically ill. Whether you've got one person, or many people in mind, I'm sure you can agree with me they we owe so much much to these people... we couldn't manage it without you.

You're bloody brilliant.



  1. I love this post SO much! My boyfriend has been my biggest supporter throughout my whole jourmey as a sick chick. I have a lot of respect for independant women, but I'm so glad I've had my man by my side, and who has been the reason I've not given up.
    Our guys deserve medals for all they have to endure with us! Haha xxx

    1. They certainly do :) It can't be easy for them but I'm so glad I've got him there :)
      Hope you're well Hayley!
      Alice x

  2. Aw, what a lovely post! It's good to hear that you have such great support around you. I think it's so important with chronic illness (especially one with an unfortunate amount of controversy surrounding it!) to have supportive and caring people on your side. I have no idea what I'd do without my parents and younger brother (and dog!) It's also lovely for me to hear that you have such a supportive boyfriend - I've never had a boyfriend (something I think I can blame on my ME!) so it's good to read of positive experiences like yours (and Hayley's!). Gives me hope that perhaps I won't end up as a crazy dog lady! haha

    1. Yeah I was already ill when I met him, so he knew what he was letting himself in for haha! Good to hear you've got some great supporters around you too, they're so important!
