Happy July Everybody!
We're now officially over half way through the year, the longest day has been and gone, and next Christmas is now closer than last Christmas... Crazy right!?
While this blog is here to note most of my daily goings on, from baking to chilling in bed with with a hot water bottle and a good Efron classic on my laptop, its main purpose is to chart my life with, and hopefully my recovery from M.E. Therefore I figured it was about time I actually got round to writing about the current state of my health, which with any luck, will start to improve over the next few months/ year.
Wind back to last Summer and I was probably at my lowest. I was suffering from severe symptoms, mainly fatigue and pain, more or less every single day. I was barely sleeping and to coincide conveniently with the best and hottest British Summer I can remember, my body decided that it simply did not like heat, not one little bit. I was spending a lot of my time in bed and the thought of having to make it through another year of uni filled me with dread.
Whizzing back to the present, and Summer 2014 sees me feeling soo much better. While my health is by no means great, it is, touch wood, certainly improving. June was a pretty roller-coaster month, with my body having to contend with deadlines, exams, my graduation ball and leaving university as well as all those other exhausting day-to-day activities. Obviously my poor sick little body couldn't cope with all this and there was days when then post-external malaise was simply terrible. But on the whole, I came out the other end.
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Busy June: Graduation Ball, Celebratory trip to Bakewell and 'we've finished exams!' drinks. |
As we enter July, I'm in a much better place- physically and mentally. Having finished uni for good *gasp*, and having finally fully committed to being a full-time sick person, my body is under the least stress in years, which is so far giving me a much needed boost. However, despite taking various mediations to aid my sleep, I still have sleeping issues and I still wake unrefreshed. And although I'm experiencing less aches and pains daily, I still experience extreme fatigue after a simple lunch date with friends. This time last year, everyday was a bad day, but now I'm getting an impressive 2-3 good days for every bad one. And while these good days may not be 'good' by a well persons standards, they're something to celebrate for me. For example, over Easter I had a whole week of good days, a whole week- I actually nearly cried out of happiness (or maybe I did... bad memory).
So as we enter the seventh month of the year, I hope this new month sees you all well. For all you spoonie's out there, I hope this month's full of many many good days, and that you manage to make it out into the (promised) sun, even if only for a few minutes. And if like me, you're living for the little positives in life, just remember, M.E. can't stop the beautiful smell of blazing barbecue drifting in through your window... so you've always got that :)
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